Quality/Environment Policy
• Comply the regulation related to quaky, energy, environment, safety, health etc (Domestic rule, International Agreement, standard of the headquarter party, the claims postulated by stakeholders)
• Preoccupy competitive advantage by focusing on core business field and acquire original technology
• Minimize the product defects and maximize the customer satisfaction through thorough following-up control
• Competitiveness through continuous improvement of quality and streamline
• Expand profit by reducing the initial cost and catch the change of market
• Increase the rate of recycle and efficiently use the energy resources
Social Responsibility Policy
RN2 Technologies pursues open and aboveboard management, enhances the value of stakeholders actualizes the corporate value together with the social values such as social contribution, innovation, environment preservation, social voluntary services, sharing management.
Moreover, we contribute to the improvement of labor-management relations and build the faith among the shareholders.
RN2 Technologies establishes the following social responsibility policies in order to apply them to the related tasks
1. Actualization of the social responsibility management
– Based on the mutual beneficial mind such as environment preservation, social voluntary services,sharing management etc.
We realizes the social responsibility to contribute to the human social development
2. Abiding rules. agreement. and regulation of the social responsibility
– RN2 Technologies respects the international agreements and both of domestic and foreign rules as they apply them to its works.
3. Sustainable enhancement management
– RN2 Technologies continuously improves the practicality and the effects of the social responsibility management system.