ABF Elettronica
ABF Elettronica
ABF Elettronica S.r.l. is a European Company located in Arcore, Italy, it has been specialized in designing and manufacturing passive microwave devices from 4 to 80 GHz for over than 25 years.
Over the years, ABF has set up a strong and motivated team able to cooperate with worldwide Customers in a unique and successful way.
R&D represents the core and highest added value thanks to a balanced mix of well trained engineers and experienced personnel with both electrical and mechanical competences who aim at Customer satisfaction.
Nowadays ABF proposes a wide catalogue of filters, duplexers, antenna couplers, waveguides, isolators and circulators for wireless communication such as Point-to-Point, Point-to-Multipoint and Long-Haul applications.
The most common design techniques as well as the highest and newest ones, defined in collaboration with the major Italian universities, get ABF one step forward in the market through a perfect synthesis of innovation, engine and professionalism.